Little Audrey seems to grow more and more bored as summer moves along. I don't blame her, she has run out of things to do and has no one to play with.
She hates sitting in her car seat, but when I need to be on the computer, she needs to sit there so I can watch her. She is giving me the "eye" again.
Me: It won't work, pumkin, it's time to sit in the car seat.
Audrey: NO! I'll be good, I promise!
Me: No, way, Jose. Up you go!
Me: No, get back in your seat.
Me: I'm going to start counting....1.....2.....
Audrey: I don't like this site, it doesn't have any pictures of kitties.
Audrey: Hey! Everything looks upside down!
Me" AUDREY! I can't read the news.....get back in your seat!
Audrey: Let me show you where is.
Audrey: I'll take a nap. okay? Just let me see something on sprout first.....
Audrey: I'll sit up here okay?
Me: NO!
Audrey: Can I have a cookie then?
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