Friday, January 8, 2010

DZ Bodies

Although they all have the same body type, each one of my nisse children have very different body movements, ways that they pose and I have been marveling over it.

Audrey is a perfect poser.  She is smooth in her movements, holds poses well and can cuddle up in my hands. 

Hammie has less fluid movements.  He is more kicky, doesn't curl up as easily.  Wearing jeans does hinder his sitting down movements.

Pandora has hands that tend to cup inwards, giving her a ballerina look.  She curls up like a baby for sweet cuddling.

Zoe is poses well, stands good, but her head tends to fall backwards, but this may her her heavy wig.  She is not as stiff as Hammie and not as fluid as Audrey. 

All of them pose better than any resin BJD I have ever had, so this is not a complaint, but more of an observation of the differences which ends up being a part of their personalities.   I have been spending time recording their ways, their styles, the little quirks of each one.  It still amazes me that each one, in his or her way, just tugs at my heart.  I would have thought that one would stand out of the bunch, but each has such a strong unique personality.  I am loving the whole experience.

I have had a new issue come up and that is the cubby beds I had made up for them.  There is a metal rim across the barrier and one day I noticed that Zoe's head was bouncing on it!  With all the rumbling, bouncing and sometimes this can get to be severe enough to make me feel as though my liver is turning into pate.    So the children have been staying pretty much in the basket, which keeps them safer, but  doesn't give them much room to play.  Lately, I have been taking one out a day and spending the whole day with them.  I use either the "car seat" which is a hanging cup holder, or let them sit up on the ledge with a seat belt.  The tiny bungie cord is wrapped around the strap that holds down the CB radio and clasped in front:

Hamlet likes it when it is his turn to come up front!

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